Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One car

Recently we have gone from 2 cars to 1. At first the change was not at all my choice, my car broke, no money to fix it, and so it was parked and there it sits. Now that we have been a one car family for a few weeks, I am beginning to wonder if we shouldn't just leave that car parked, or sell it, or fix it and sell our other car, as we are doing (mostly, with some adjustments) fine with just one. The best thing is that without a car to pop off to the store or out and about I don't spend as much money. Less on gas, less on insurance, less consumption in general. Hooray for that! Another good thing that has been happening recently is that my neighbor and I have been carpooling for errands. We go to the store together and such. Not only is it far more fun (and takes alot longer) I feel good about that teeny step toward lessening my footprint. The other thing I have found is taking the bus is kind of relaxing. The bus I take out to my work is almost empty and I can just... sit. Lovely.
Miss Sunshine is sick (again? still?) and that is really going to be a challenge in the next few days.
This week's goals~ make laundry soap and compost compost compost!

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