Thursday, February 5, 2009


I poked my soap last night, it is hardening! That is a happy for me. Tonight I am going to make laundry soap. I got the bucket yesterday from Mr. Husband who brought it home from work. I am also going to go through Miss Sunshine's clothing to see what I can cobble together to make some of her shirts last longer. She is very long in the torso so her belly button will be showing long before the shirt is too small everywhere else. My plan is to combine a few shirts into one to give her a layered look that covers her belly. Wish me luck on that. :) Last night I was grumping at myself that it has taken me this long to get a clue about the world around me, but today I am focusing on what George Eliot said...
"It is never to late to be what you might have been".

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