Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, hooray!

I was early to the bus stop this morning. The lovely part of that was getting to watch the clouds move along in the slowly lightening sky. The not so lovely part was waiting in below freezing temperatures with a bit of a breeze going. Luckily, the bus was right on time and it was very warm. On the way into work I saw a herd of deer browsing on the (?) plant of some sort and it was very peaceful. Now I am at work and the peaceful part is done.
This weekend I am having friends over to make soap. That means no regular craft day, we will all be doing soap.
I have not done such a good job this last week at getting any of my goals accomplished. Not totally true, I have all of the stuff for a round of burritos, I was well within my food budget, I wrote up a chore list, I dealt with the whole medical thing. I do have the laundry soap ready to roll as soon as I have a moment to do laundry. Luckily a 3 day weekend means I will hopefully get caught up. Since our puppy ate many of our canvas bags I am going to be looking for more this weekend if I get a chance to go to a thrift store. And my kitchenaid mixer should be fixed this weekend, yaaaaaaaaay! I am going to overwork it I am sure.
Goals for this weekend- get more canvas bags, move them into the car, catch up with other goals. Look for free/cheap bricks. Do up bread for freezing.
Gosh this post is boring.

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