Monday, March 2, 2009

Soap again, and Spring?

Hooray, snow is really on the way out! I am very happy to report with warming temperatures there is more mud than snow on the ground! I was sadly unable to get any planting done as I cannot locate glass I can afford for cold frames. Yet. I will continue to look and to tell everyone I know that I am looking on the off chance someone has some laying around.
Yesterday my friends and I made a HUGE batch of soap. It smells different than the smaller batches I have made but I have read up on rebatching if it doesn't work out.
Mr. Husband and I had a quick chat about some of the changes we are making and how empowered we feel. I know it sounds cheesy, but to take control of our lives was just something that we didn't know we could do. It also appeals to the rebel in both of us to shake our fist at "the man". He was actually interested in the seeds that I purchased and that made a happy for me to be sure.
Today it is raining raining raining in soft cold drops. SO much better than snow. Not to say it couldn't decide to dump on us tomorrow, but for now the mud is nice.
Happy for the weekend~ while going grocery shopping I remembered my reusable bags! And used them!
Second happy for the weekend~ I took out my pressure canner instruction book and looked at it! So this year, I will be pressure canning. I think. eek.

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