Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I started the compost program last night! It is put on by the Spokane Waste Management outreach. I am so excited, I learned so much the first night! There is 15 of us in the class and the teachers are all very experienced gardeners/composters. Something I have never thought about is the lessening of the carbon footprint when you compost. There is less transportation, less greenhouse created. I was only thinking of the garden benefit, but there is so much more. Hooray! There is a bad smell in my laundry room, I am a little afraid. That is the big push now, we have room for a worm bin now and so the rest of it needs to be cleaned and organized. Isn't it funny how organizing can make a much larger mess than you had at first? My sister's baby shower is this weekend, yaaay!

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