Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Motivate Me...

I have many many things that would be helpful and beneficial if I would just get off my watoosie and do them. I have very little motivation a good portion of the time. Why am I so dang self defeating? Seriously, I haven't a clue about how to deal with this issue. I cooooould wash dishes/ go for a walk/turn the compost/bake bread/make cheese/dance with abandon but I don't. I sit. It seems like alot of the time I forget I am alive. Is anyone else frustrated by this? Does anyone else DO this? Or not do, as the case may be...


  1. you forget the times you run around doing 10 million things at once! silly woman

  2. Not 10 million. 3 million, maybe 4. I am not joking though, I do not know the secret to motivation! Some people have figured it out, I wish they would tell me.

  3. well if they tell you, let me know will ya??
