Thursday, March 5, 2009


Do you see the white stuff that is falling rather sideways??? This was taken a few moments ago looking out the window at my work. Uhhh, it is March, we should be done with this by now. Grrr.

In other, happy news, today is my short day here, and it is also friendship bread baking day. Tomorrow will be very lovely bread to bring to work and for Miss Sunshine to eat after school. I am going to start a batch of the 5 minute bread tonight as well. I am having lunch with a good friend and then we are going to look for grow lights and other sundry non-snow related things. I must try to remember that we have lovely hot sunny summers.

Recently I have noticed that I am avoiding some things I should deal with. I hate it when I realize I am being dumb. *sigh* Better to figure it out now though, before it is too late.

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