Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Long time no post, I know, but it has been a week. My sister had a baby on Tuesday of last week, (welcome to the world little tater tot!) then had an abdominal hemorrhage on Thursday. She was in the ICU until this morning, and hopefully will be home soon with her sweet baby. Therefore, not much has been done about anything anywhere. I did make up some pancake mix, and do a bunch of composty stuff, but beyond that I was at the hospital or laughing/crying with hysteria and stress. Bleh! Luckily, she survived, and is getting better.
It snowed this morning. Yes, yes, I know you are jealous. Spring here is such an exciting time, snow and 60 degrees within 24 hours. My starts are going well, those that survived neglect, and hopefully we will be eating spinach within the next few weeks. Fresh spinach, that I planted. I must not be quite back to myself yet.

Oh, the grace of the day~ Little new babies that curl up when sleeping, and make little happy sigh noises when you kiss them. :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunshine makes everything better

I had such a blissful day yesterday. Many of us (5 adults and 4 littles and 4 dogs) took a long stroll to the park in the lovely lovely Springtime warm. Then the kids played, we walked home, and had dinner together in such a mellow, quiet, warm early evening light. THAT! That is exactly it. The answer to all of the isolation issues. How happy. All of the kids were tired and dirty. We all talked about community and how we will start to look for land. I named our goats in advance- Feta, Chevre, and Soap.

Grace~ New baby smell :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Isolation Continued

Today I will end with a grace so if I am too depressing I will cheer you (myself) up.
So now that we all live sprawled out from our community we feel isolated and alone, so we buy stuff to make us feel better, that we have to work more at jobs we hate to buy more stuff. Does that make sense? No? I have the most amazing friends. Seriously. But the way this society is set up is to attach to things, not people. Such disconnect between work and results, such disconnect between the stuff we have and the people who make that stuff. Soooooo here is what I am going to do- try to as much as the budget allows- buy local, buy handmade- buy non-plastic, non-advertised, non-fleh items. That will mean that I buy less, but more important stuff. I am joining a CSA for the summer season. I am going to make more of an effort to see my friends. And trudge less! I find myself sleepwalking through life alot, not aware of what is going on around me. There is beauty all over the place if I would just look around and see it. I think my lack of motivation is directly tied to my lack of connection to the world around me. (see, Diane, I am working it out...) Maybe if I am more awake, I will care more. Or something.

For today's grace- Mail! I love getting mail. In the mailbox. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have to start off here with my grace in small things because otherwise I may not get to it~
sleepywarm hugs that are given when the child is just waking up, hair all tangled with dreams and eyes still closed. *happy sigh* Warning- Ramble ahead...
I have been spending alot of time lately thinking about how isolated I am (we are) as an individual and a country. I am isolated from my work, I don't actually "DO" anything. I sit in front of a computer and talk. I never see any results, I am just a disembodied voice on the phone. I sit in a cube farm and "work" but never move from my chair. How many people find themselves drained and exhausted from this type of living? I feel like I am infected with blight. Deeeeeply discontent. And how anonymously we live! I am lucky to live in a duplex with neighbors I love with all of my heart, but how depressing to not have block parties and chats over fences? How depressing that most people I know do not even know the names of those that share the fenceline? I understand so many people lived out in the middle of nowhere while homesteading with the closest people being miles away, but even then if a barn needed raising or something of that nature people pulled together. Nothing makes sense to me anymore.