Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why I love my life

I have the best friends. My friends are smart, funny, expressive, supportive, and great. Nothing is better than knowing there are people who have your back.
In other news, the beans are in the crock pot, and I am going to try homemade tortillas tonight. I am working on the garden plan for this spring. I am going to limit myself to 2 raised beds because if I overdo it I will give up midway.
As far as changes I have made last weekend/this week, I moved the thermostat down another degree overnight, so we are at 67/68 when we are home and awake, and 60 when we are in bed or gone. I think we are going to keep it there for a while, that is about as cold as I can take it at the moment. It is supposed to snow today and warm up a bit, to a balmy 26 degrees today (-3 C) with a high of 37 (3 C) on Friday. It was about ten degrees colder a few days ago. This week the goal is to get the freezer set up and have a menu plan for the following week.


  1. I'm trying to figure out what exactly I'm going to do for my hanging planters. Tomatoes, peas... would squash be too heavy? Cucumbers? Hmmm...

  2. I know that tomatoes and strawberries work, I don't know about other stuff. Let's look online. I will get back to you. :)
